Li Ren 离人

Friday, August 24, 2007


Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin
D A U L A T T U A N K U ! ! !

M E R D E K A ! !
( 31 Aug 1957)

P R I M E M I N I S T E R S ...

Adalah kebanggaan saya untuk menjadi " anak Malaysia "...di negara ini yang mempunyai rakyat berbilang kaum dan bangsa...yang dapat hidup bersama sabagai satu...tidak kira apa yang berlaku, pada akhirnya, kita bergabung tenaga, bersama-sama menyambut hari yang bermakna kepada kita semua..HARI MERDEKA...
Apa yang mengagumkan semua, bukanlah pada persembahan ataupun pertunjukan bunga api yang menarik sahaja, tetapi apa yang terpenting...ialah perpaduan semua rakyat....dalam menyambut kemerdekaan negara kita...tanpa mengira kaum atau bangsa...dalam jiwa kita...semangat patriotik sedang membara...inilah yang menunjukkan identiti rakyat MALAYSIA...
Sekarang adalh masa kita...untuk berganding bahu...bekerjasama untuk membawa negara tercinta kita ke persada dunia...supaya setanding dengan negara maju yang lain..mencapai wawasan 2020 yang menjadi sasaran kita semua...
Semoga negara kita terus maju !!!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Great Show

I know lar...a bit outdated...this show is an "old" show...i juz watched it on rtm2..those got astro should watch i juz be impressed by the police "有型"...


My bro bought this guitar for RM 120 and he didn't use it before...anyone interesred to buy can have it for RM99... Can help me find potential buyers (family, friends...)???

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Everyone of us had education, at least for urben kids !!! But have we ever think of the effects of edu on us ?

Yes, I admit that we r way more fortunate than kids living in rural areas, didn't even have the basic edu. We started our edu journey since 5 yrs old, some even as early as 3 !! We went to didn't juz stop there !!!Our edu journey takes up a lot of our lifespan!!!

People ...yes, we need edu to make us a better ppl, who noes how 2 read, listen, count, speak etc. But I always think that sometimes wat we learn is irrelevant 2 our needs, or our life. Don't u think so ? Sometimes, i feel that the edu provided 2 us is not helping to develop us to prepare 4 the real world.

In my opinion, edu we have is not enough, or not giving the neccesary help, financial edu is more important 2 everyone of us than mere academic edu. Agree?
Therefore, in order to be successful in the real world, we need to equip ourselves with more finc. knowledge than juz scoring grades or juz merely holding degrees...


My Fav Cat !!! (ALAN)